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2016 - ongoing

collages on paper

in collaboration with Annalisa Zegna

included as an intervention in the publication ROLL UP, an artist book curated by Rachele D’Osualdo and Patrizio Peterlini, created thanks to the collaboration between the Fondazione Bonotto and Istituzione Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa (limited edition, 35 copies, 2016)

Irrisolto: partiture per corpi liberi (Unresolved: scores for free bodies) is a collaborative project that explores visual score as an experiential research tool. Inspired by John Cage’s assertion that the score is like a camera “from which anyone can take a photograph”.

“Wear earplugs, tune into the heartbeat, listen to the stomach, feel the body”

Irrisolto encompasses a collection of visual scores to be used by willing participants for semi-private performances. The starting point of Irrisolto was a research period carried out in the archive and the rich collection of the Fondazione Bonotto. This occasion allowed an in-depth analysis of twentieth-century experimental graphical notations of Concrete Music, and Sound and Visual Poetry. These artistic movements have investigated the potential connections between visual notations and performances, and specifically how instructions may open the performing execution to randomness, inspiration, and synaesthesia. Starting from these insights, Irrisolto aims to create a series of scores to foster anyone’s potential performative experience. The Irrisolto visual scores are made by assembling fragments and clippings from the art magazine Mousse. The magazine, chosen as a metaphor and a pretext for a critical reflection on the processes and codes implicit in contemporary artistic production, is re-mediated and used as a raw material to activate the direct involvement of the public. Irrisolto asks the viewer – who also becomes an interpreter and performer – to make a new perceptive experience based on the rhythm of her/his own body, and realise a performance that can somehow establish new connections with her/himself and with the environment s/he lives in. The basic rules are simple: wear earplugs to isolate yourself from the context, find harmony with your body by focusing on the heartbeat and breath as rhythmic references, freely creating a performance that responds to the emotional and compositional instructions of the visual score. The performances realised within the context of Irrisolto assume the value of autonomous performative works, provided they are performed in the presence of at least one witness. They are “unresolved” because the main objective is to resonate the bodies that remain free to find their form of expression.

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